Sunday, May 29, 2011

Er, the 29th~

Hellooo,  YESTERDAY WE WENT TO SIX FLAGS!!!!!!!!! It was the best day of my life, The first ride we went on was Medusa, & then we got in line for sky screamer, we decided it wasn't worth it because they only had doubble seats & we had Sarah with us. I like Sarah, she's nice. Then, I got a funnel cake for 8.99 & shared most of it with Sarah, Leigha had a bite. THEN we went to Kong, waited there for like 2 hours, something happend to the ride & the people there told cheesey jokes. THEEEN, LEIGHA CHICKEND OUT!!! So, me & Sarah went. She dropped her phone on the ride~ So, we got cotton candy & took pictures in the photo booth. When we got out, Cameron & some random kid were there, so Cameron took us to a water ride, Leigha said she wanted to go on. We got SOAKED. I didn't go again, it was geting dark & as soon as I got off the ride, it started raining. I sat at a table, listening to music on my phone while they went again. Then, we went to Panda Express, I ended up gatting pizza because they didn't have my potstickers. We sat down & ate, I was being depressed for being soaking wet & cold. I had Sarah's sweatshirt on & it was wet too, I was shivering tying to eat my pizza~ OH & Cameron had his arm around Leigha on the entire ride. It was pissing me off. So, we ate & walked to the Superman store, they wanted to buy some dry clothes. Leigha got a t-shirt with a cape attached. I got a Medusa keychain & Cameron got a sweatshirt. He offered that sweatshit to Leigha &I almost called him a dick. I should have. BUT THEN, we got churros, I didn't feel like buying a churro,& Leigha wouldn't let me have any of hers, so Cameron gave me a bite of his. THEEEN, we all gathered at the fountain, it was pouring rain by now & I wanted to get on the bus & change. We ended up in the strings bus for like half an hour. THEN out bus FINALLY got there & I changed. We stopped for dinner & I got a taco, from Taco Bell,& a parfait & a soda, from Mcdonnalds. Thennn, we were off~! I listend to my music, my phone ran out of batterey, so then I used Jeanie's mp3 player. Buttt she got sick & clamied it back, SHE WAS LAYING ON ASPEN. But, then Leigha ended up being nice & we listend to her cd player, I ALMOST fell asleep ,but Aspen kept harassing em trying to sleep. Eventually, the bus driver had to put chains on, because it was icy & we were going over the mountains. It was kinda sucky, because when we got back, we found out that we spilled cheese-its allover the place~But, on the trip, I had time to think about alot of things. Like, lately, I've been thinking that I'm udeseving of my boyfriend, because he's popular, lives in a different state e.t.c & I thought that he'd brake up with me & be Usagi's again. But I realised something, if it's true, which I know it is, It'll find a way to keep itself going~& those were my thoughts^^ GOOD BYEEEE~ Btw I have a word press account~~

Monday, May 23, 2011

Feelings that I couldn't quite get out.

AHHHH >.< I started going on Xat again. I can't help but be happy & be drawn back to my husband. Well, I read about some things & I found out he could've & did do MUCH better than me, so I feel weird now. We met again RIGHT after we broke up with our lovers. It was heart breaking for both of us. I guess fate wants us to be together. Wow, I can't believe it took we this long to realise this. I feel like a tard now. Nyeh, I have a head ache. I FOUND MY PHONE. SMASHED IN HALF. & I get to stay home tomorrow & babysit the babies. That's an positive & negitave. Well, I can't help but feel positive nowww.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Er...Oh 5/8/11

I originally got on to tell you all that I'm feeling sickkkkk... But it's 12:24 a.m didn't quite feel like leaving that out,& It's now Mother's Day. I rember the first Mother's day I had when I was alone, It Was Horrible. I got in LOADS of troubble that day. Almost 4 years now. All I rember that day is that we had steaks & artichokes for dinner & I relber sulik-ly comming out of my room & how good it tased... Haha well, it's better not to dwell on the past right~! So, BLEH I feel kinda sick. I just basically threw up a second ago & I was like OMG BLOGGER! I hate Twitter. I think it's because I don't need to know what my friends are doing EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY. Well, when I was at Jeanie's house this weekend, I decided to start watching a bit of Soul Eater with Jeanie. I always get supper bored at her houes, so I figured, why not watch some anime? When she's not doing something, we can watch it together~! But, alas, she has the attention span of a squriel. So, I ended up watching episode 3+ on my own. Right now? I'm just starting ep. 15. We assigned roles. She's Death the Kid, I'm Maka, Jessica it Brea, Jason is reaper-sama, Aspen is my dad or Deathsythe, Jerrylin is Black Star & Ashlee is Tsubaki. Ofcourse, no random hot guys transfer to our school, have seen Soul Eater, like me & Manga, or are willing to join a group of random people who are called a Host Club. Although I did :D So, untill we find Soul, I'm Maka withought Soul. It's not fun when you have an AWESOME part, but nobody to play the supporting role. I find things to be weird with my sister today. She asked me if I had been experiencing with mind-altering drugs. Ofcourse I said no. If I don't date guys who do drugs, smoke, or drink, then why would I join them? She says that I'm not the same person. Duh, different people have different effects on me. Leigha makes me nomal, Jeaine combats that & she's not afaraid to be randomly weird. Nor should I. I just wana be me, get married off, be Hopefully rich, get Aspen tentacle raped & live my life happily married to a non-fat 50%(AT LEAST) cute otaku, & have ONE kid. You know~? I just want the simple life. I want to roam amongst my type, otakus, where we're not judged for who, or what we are...Eh, back to WLO& anime.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5/5/11 IT'S HAPPEND!!!!

It happend....Now I'm signed into my Youtube & Blogger & they're not logging eachother out~!  I found out how awesome I am at slicing strawberrys. I felt like a ninja-samuri mix. I'm gonna get some milk.Ahnnnn~ I rember now why I wanted to be in love SO MUCH. I used to listen to comatose over & over & over again, that's probably how I caught it T^T & Now, I'm listening to it AGAIN. Sigh, where's my white angel~? Well, I think this was triggerd by Chantel & Jacob going out AGAIN. I'm getting quite tired of it. & on top of all of these things, Annie seems to be enging all of these relationships, She's like the grim reaper of relashionships.  She transferd here last year. I Really hate how she ends everything for Jacob & Cameron. She would have broke us up, if she knew about it. Ugh, listening to these rock songs, it sends me into a black hole of memmories, that I thought I'd forgotten. Not quite so fun.I belive that the next anime I watch will be Soul Eater. Yupppppppp~ So, Peace <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

50TH POST AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmm, I was originally going to dedicate this post to my hate of beach weddings....But I suppose talking about HOW AWESOME this blog has been is quite worthy also. CAUTION: This part contains trace amounts of fan-girl-ness. So, beginning on how I got to the subject of hating on beach weddings. I was bored, I accidentally set my alarm for 6 PM this morning & stayed home, my laptop ran out of charge & I had left my charger in the living room, not feeling ninja enough, I turned to my phone for an hour or two of entertainment. I was on face book, & the first thing I saw was "*Some random Japanese girl somehow added to my friends* Has take "Who's YOUR Bleach baby daddy?" quiz" Then, out of lack of things to do, I browsed over the answer. My first thought was HOW EMBARRASSING!!! How could she/he post that for all his/her friends to see?! Now, keep in mind, I had been stalking around the Internet, watching free episodes of English subbed K-on! & Was still stuck in Japanese school girl mode(In which, everything makes you blush, weather it's from ADORIBLENESS!!! OR OMG-ness), so, being self explanitory, I was like, OMG WTF?! (Haha sorry, girly moment). So, when I finally snuck out of my window, like a teenage-delinquent, scaring my neighbors,who themselves, are also, I charged my laptop. Alas, I didn't do it until like 6 'o clock. BUT when I finally did, I did it for hours( that's what she said) & the last one I took, I took once, but it had the other answers on it too, for some reason, I figured, Why not~? I read them & One of them said "He proposed to you on the beach", or "You had a beach wedding" It made me cringe honestly.I HATE THEM. You know when you see that commercial for Sandals resort thingy? No? Well, it's these newly weds & they're on  a bed at the beach, the wind in blowing lightly, the canopy flowing with it? UGH!!! I just think of them crawling on that bed getting sand everywhere, it's hot, they get the dress caught on the bed & it rips, some creepy dude that's a "Policeman: Tells you that you need a permit to do this & it's not a nude beach. Doesn't seem that fun to me. When I first started this blog, I wanted to get married SO BADLY, that I'd do it that moment, with almost anybody, if it was legal. But, now, I find myself thinking of it being a HUGE drag~ I have no idea why. I love this blog <3 It's helped me get through pretty much anything that life has thrown at me. Weather it be heart break, hatred, family problems EXTREME FANGIRLNESS, & a heap of other things, that I really don't feel like troubling you with. So, I'm going over to Aspen's house tomorrow, after school. Did you guys hear about Osama being shot?! I think that was wrong. Nobody has the right to take the life of another. No matter what he's done, we're no better than him now. & yet we hear all of these politicians encouraging America to CONTINUE killing people?! I think that we're wrong. We should join together to try to help ourselves out of this 4,000 foot hole that we've dug ourselves in. We should try to help ourselves before we try to help others. I'm sorry, I sound like a roughly translated fortune cookie~ Well, THANK YOU for being with me all 50 posts, I hope you'll stick with me for the next 50 & then on post no.101 I'll say IT'S OVER 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH. Haha yeah, I rabu you guys >U<

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Haii~! 4/28/11

I feel SUPPER excited~! Tomorrow I'm going to the mall with Leigha. I went to Aspen's house yesterday. I PRAY he doesn't read this, I MAY, just a tiny tad,smijit,bit like him. Yeah, yeah I know. I didn't tell anyone except you, dear reader. YESH~! I used that. SO since yesterday I've been singing quie a bit, which only happens when I feel REALLY happy, or REALLY SAD, or some other EXTREME emotion. But, HE GROPED ME! He said sorry right after though. Jeanie stole my shoe...Haha we all traded shoes & I asked this random dude if I could borrow his metal dector. I told him it was for eanie to find dildos. SOME LADY TOLD ME & ASPEN TO SHAKE HER BALLS!!!She was playing tennis. Haha I kicked it~ So, we climbed fences, I got stuck on the top of one. I finally decided never to wear flats when we go over to his house & climbed down. I sent a HUGE ammount of forwards~& now I'm texting Chantel. I haven't been hanging out with my NORMAL group of Chantel & Leigha, I'm now part of the Sparks Middle School Host Club. My phone keeps shutting off randomly. It's VERRY ANNOYING. & I have to keep it untill my 16th birthday. THEN I get an I phone. I hate my phone. I just was SO IN LOVE WITH THIS PHONE~! But...not so much anymore...I barely use it.Smooth, get some spicy fries, but forget you water in the kitchen, smooth, Bailey. GOt my water, gonna finish these fries, pack for Leigha's & go to bed~!Haha Aspen is my wall paper, hes humping a wale XD Nightttttt <3

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's those thoughts again 4/22/11

I really feel like I don't have a family anymore. My dad "already has one family issue" & it's now his job to work on his brother's life instead of his family that lives with him. I didn't have anybody, & I got through it. I really don't like how he takes ALL his stress out on us. I really hate that.Like, I was supper hungry & he barged in the kitchen. He piled 4cups of pasta onto his plate,& then went searching for food, he didn't find these french cookies brionne brought home, because me & Jeanie ate them all. It's not like they're irreplacible. She got them from wallmart. Then he was like GOD DAMN IT!!!! so I was just waiting for him to move, at this point, I was cheerfull & happy to see him for the 1-2 time today, & he YELLED at me for waiting for him to move!!Oh Shit. there's a police officer outside....So then he sat down with his t.v tray & started watching. It was a wrong adress b.t.w. They got the adress wrong, there was screaming here...So then he just started stabing the pasta REALLY HARD, like about to break the plate. So, he asked me why I ate all of them. & he just started telling me off, then he was like GO IN YOUR ROOM!!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TODAY!!! He didn't even say hi to me when I got home. I swear, Jeanie's house is my home away from "home". & we ended up having a physical confrontation over it. He was trying to pull it away from me! I'm not just some pushover, I am a living breathing human being with feelings, hopes dreams & e.t.c he was like LEAVE YOUR DINNER HERE. SO I slammed it on the table, he has done it thousands of times, why can't I? I mean, if this behavior is propper for a grown adult, then shouldn't it be appropriate for a 14 year old?So, I washed off the plate, sobing at this point. & I put it in the dish washer, went in my room & asked God why the hell he made my life to be like this? I know, hardships make you stronger,harder to break, but I don't want to be the strong one. I want to lean on a friend every once in a while, cry when I want to, not when I need to, even if it's just for  minutes. I'm sorry that I ate all the sweets, but that was the ONLY sweet thing in the house. Excuse me if I have cravings, I can't controll them uopn will.Sigh, that really depressed me. I'm going over to Jeanie's house for Easter, my family dosen't celebrate it anymore. I miss my mother...She did drink, smoke, & have verry bad problems, but I always did love her more than anywone else & I intend it to stay like that. I can't help imagine a time when they wer'nt fighting, all of the family was home,safe,& sober. I HATE tapping into my memmories like this. It brings tears to my eyes & I'm babbysitting. The reason why I cry each time we fight isn't what happend in the fight, but that he's so used to constantly being in a fight with somebody.  I wish he could control his anger better, I don't want him to be that way around the twins. I had my mother to say,"she's only __years old Lee!" But all the babies will have is Brionne, she's so unde his will, it's disgusting. He can kick her out anytime he wants. I garuntee, that I won't last long if it's just me & him. He's actually stand-able when he's not around the presence of others. But if he is, he finds me to be a pesky "teeny boper" I Fucking Hate That. It's like he takes all the things I say the opposite way, like if I'm being serrious, he'll be silly. If I'm being silly, he'll take everything I say & twist it to something that makes me out to be a bully, telling him these fabricated words to make myself feel better. Ugh, I'm done.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Herroz~! 4/21/11

Helloooooooo <3
Ugh, mu sister is being SUPPER weird. She's being SO distant. Well, I shouldn't dwell on things...So, today. I got off the bus & we were walking home, Jeanie just sat down on somebody's lawn & then I was like pshhhh why not? So I sat down right next to her. We sat like that for, like half an hour, telling mariah to go home~ Haha we're men, we call her kiwis & yuri XD She kinda deserves it though. Ugh, my sister is crying again, I hate it when she crys...Well, so mariah finally left, & we sat there just....being us I guess. OH one of Susan's friends lent me her glasses <3 they're supper cute <3 They're like nerd glasses. I LOVEEEEE themmmm <333333 & that trent kid keeps making things akaward, that was one of the things that I loved about Anthony, He didn't make things akaward when we talked~But most of the time, I just zone out when I'm around trent. He's just too much. It's not that he's a boy. I just don't like high-matinence sevies... Because, I'm almost done with middle school, I don't want a fight. Hmmmm I wonder if I'm too heart-y~ LEIGHA CANCELD ON ME!!!!!!!!! She also did that at lunch T^T. OH~! I helped Jeanie clean her room~! I think I need to clean my room too.......Well I'll do that later <3 Hahahahahaha OMG me & Jeanie got on ChatRoulette & Omegle, We're gonna do it again tomorrow x3 & go to Virgina Palmer~ I wish I still went to a year round school <3 Hahahahahahah I need an otaku <3~! Well, that's all for me~ I'm gonna eat these (AWESOME cherry honey ricola) cough drops Jeanie gave me, & clean up my roomz~! Night Loveeeeeeee <33333333333

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hey~! April 20th LOL 4/20!!!

Hey world~! I've been sleeping quite crappily lately. Soooo I took a nap yesterday & I slept soooooooo well. I think I should take more naps like this <3 Wellllll, Susan lent me yet another manga & I saw that It was My Faviorite Manga Ever. The one that I read all of last summer at the book store. Haha I rember staying late to read the last volume. I got SO SCHOLDED when I got home >.<( so worth it). Haha I love getting on xat & people are like WHO ARE YOU!? Then, I'm like I'm konan & they're like OH HOW'VE YOU BEEN?!!! I had an AWESOME day. I developed this system. That I call the angel system. Boys who are just kinda side attractions that I kinda like but not quite are black angels, gray angels are boys who I went through a "phase" liking them. Then there's the white angel, the one boy who I'll spend the rest of my life with <3, & lastly there's a cream angel, the one boy who freakin confuses me. No mentions of those who fit in the last two spots. So, the rest of the people in my life are types of angels too. But, they're colored angels. Like Leigha, she's a lime green angel, Chantel is a purple angel. I don't know why, it's just like that. It let's me classify boys & people. Ugh, that boy keeps asking to be my sevie. I DON'T WANT A MALE SEVIE!!! Ugh, he's a brown angel. & the rest of the people who have no connection to me don't have wings, & I decided that he dosen't ethire. & Gari... well Gari's a hot pink angel :3 & Anthony's a gray angel. Hmm...Leigha's comming over on Friday. So I sit behind Jacob in math, he started talking to me & catlin, I was like wtf? He tried to take my pencil & ripped my paper T^T So I was trying to pry him from my pencil & I tore into his skin & I was like awww I'm sorry D: Sp, I'm cutting my nails. He's just a black angel, I'm quite sure that I won't find my shiroi-tenshi in middle school. But I may have, there's a different Jacob, he has alot of health prblems, I originally found him for leigha but... I dunno, At the moment he's just a black angel, nothing more. *Sigh* my dad is sutch a dick. Blah, blah, blah, I just came home, I don't appriciate you telling me that I'm as "dumb as a post". Well I'm gonna get on WLO, babysit for a bit & then, NaP TiMe <3

Monday, April 18, 2011

YO!!!!! VERRY EARLY April 18th 2011

Herro :D It's 1:30 in the morning & I have school today~ Ah, yes, I know -_- But I'm gonna look tottaly awesome tomorrow :D But, for some reason Anthony was up & I asked him what he was doing up this early, trying to make conversation, He's being a real dick. I now think that the only way to talk to him is messiging(Fuck it, it's early) Bleh, I think that I only liked him beacuse I thought he liked me back, damn was I wrong~Eh, but whatever, I can see myself easily becomming friends with him. As mentioned, he's really funny, I like that in a guy. But not, like dating, I think I'm done with guys for the rest of middle school. Unless a hot, like REALLY hot guy who actually says he likes me transfers, we all know that's not gonna happen. I just want another otaku I guess. I think that'd be nice~ Ah I can be sutch a fan girl -_- I actually feel like all of my attraction twoards him is gone. Weird, huh? Well I painted my nails FINALLY. I'm gonna go to school tomorrow & blow them away... with my fresh-out-of-bed face. Joy of all joys~~Ah too negitave x.x Well I still play wlo & I got up like 4 levels over the break :0 I found a new traning spot. It's called pine. (Done with the nerdness). Still waiting for my Kyo(From Black Bird *My faviorite manga OF ALL TIME) Well, I do belive it's youtube time, PEACE <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Not quite sure what to feel...

Considering, this is my private blog, which I did not post on Face Book, I shall cease all rants of Anthony. (Back to normal) AHHHHH~! I did it~!!!! I asked him if he liked me or not. Juuuust because I was looking up ways to get over him, & BOOM~! I found the answer. It's been hard for me because I didn't know. So I finally asked him & his exact answer was, "As a friend :)" & I was like WTF?!?!?!?!? He said he almost never checks Face Book. So, then why did he send that message exactly one minute after it was sent? It was very quick, Perhaps too quick? Well, I hung on to the fantasy that he still likes me for a total of, 3 or less minutes. Then I was like WhAtEvEr. Though we're going to the same high school, with all the cute boys around, I'm sure I'll live. But,not I have to get good grades this last quarter. I am mystified why I hate homework so much. Some dude tried to hack me on WLO!!!  He just came out with" okay, give me your account name and password" & I was like," I'm sorry~ I don't give those out^^~". So that was the highlight of my day. I know, spring break, so exciting, take your top off break out a beer & drive to Cancun. Sure, if you can drive, drink, & have diplomatic immunity. But, I'm none of those things. So, here was my average spring break schedule(Damn, I hate that word~! Why do I have to use it so much?!): 1pm: Wake up, re-inflate my poped air matress(Thanks,Lucy*Supper fluffy muffin Neko>.<*),1:30pm:Wallow in pain, due to my strep throat.2:30pm:Get on my computer, beg my friends for cough dops.3:30pm: Make oragami hearts out of the wrapers of cough drops & watch anime(I JUST finished trigun~ IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! & it helped the pain :D) 7:30pm: Roll out of my bed & attempt to eat dinner, reflate the bed.8:00pm, Back to the anime & WLO.4:00am:go to bed.& repeat. That was my spring break, so fun. Atleast I got some sleep LOL HAHAHAH ROTFLCOPTER!!!! Haha okay, that was creepy. Well,my dear blogger, It is time to hunt down some food(I don't hunt animals. Imagine how ridicilous a 14 year old girl running through the streets, a spear in her hand, a cat at her heels, at midnight would look)So,um, bye then <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3~!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello~! SUPPER EARLYApril 14th 2011

Herro~! How are you today~? That's delightful. I'm sick T^T &  I have strep throat, so joyful. It hurts to swallow. I ra out of coughdrops though. THey ae my salvation~! They + MEGA strong asprin+antiobiotics=Hopefully soon recovery. I have decided to do some dubs/regular karaoke~! & I shall record them, my voice isn't that bad,or my music teacher dosen't think so :D Butttttt I have a cold sore too. I hate being sick. The anniversary event on WLO is happenning right now~ I have my chacrter on auto. So I'm going to continue watching Trigun~Not alot is happenning. Except for, I'm going over to steal some cough drops from my friend Jeanie tomorrow~ SHE HAS AN ENTIRE BAG!!! I hope they don't suck...Well, byeeeeeee<3

Monday, April 11, 2011

Re-April 11th 2011

Heyyy, got the laptop charger back~! So, The last post was kinda er....BUT anyways, I do belive, the I shall tell you of something other than my teenage angst. It's spring break~! Yes, I know, I should have my top off & be in Cancun right now. But I prefer, for my breaks in school, to laze around the house, wear nothing but pjs, watch anime, read manga, frequently update my FaceBook status, & waste masses of time on WLO. I dropped this ornament today & it stabbed me in the hand! Right inbetween my index & middle finger~! Ow its rather painfull >.< On new years, this year, I tripped over my mini-stool & it gave me this realllly bloody bruise on my pinky toe. Today, I was clipping my toenails, it's approximately flip-flop weather here, & I started clipping my pinky toe & basically all of my pinky toe nail came off~! I wish myself good luck explaining that the the person that does pedicures. It's only Sunday & I  get an entire week to myself. I may laze around (Most likely option) or I may do something else. I LOVE staying up suuuuupper late on my vacations. I honestly belive two things, 1. that I have parasites & 2. that I'm nocturnal. OH~! I got a queen sized air matress & it has a hole in it somewhere, so it's deflating REALLY fast.Ah, & I went to tour my new high school. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! It's the largest school in our district. I'm not sure if that's good or bad...I should re-name  my blog Bailey's world :D Well. I think I'm just gonna keep this on & write my thoughts down WITH the time so here it goes:(1:03am) Tottaly bored, making silicon on WLO.(1:19am) I feel like I finally have WLO down again, it feels awesome >U<(1:25am) I took my gauges out a coupple hours ago & they still fit~! <3(1:34am) At xat w my friend^^~(2:08am) Kinda upset...But oh well^^~(3:06)Happy again :)(3:30am) Going to bed...Upset my night was cut short.. but oh well, there's always tomorrow night~ I just didn't feel like talking to him anymore~ Peace^^~


I feel like my sister has been tottaly ignoring me. By the way, do you like this font better? I do. So, she's been in a numb-like state since the beginning of this week. The begining of this week, she was verry sick. She made Steve baby sit though, I would have done it gladly. & she stayed in her room the entire time. She told me that I didn't do sh*t. If she had asked me I would have. I spent the time she was sick in my room, out of the way. Then I was asking her if she would like help, & she said that "She would call me if she needed my help". Now, this was a warning sigh, that things were going to get much worse. Today, she asked me to run errands with her. I did, we had to take the babies, & Steve was FINALLY leaving. So, I wasn't about to refuse the offer. I went with her, she dropped off applications at some places & we got some gas, she was FINALLY warming up to me. So we got home, all was back to the numb-like state mentioned earlier. I have no idea what I did. So, now she's being a b*tch again. I got the laptop charger ALL this week (Which was a quite large bonus for me). & she has been sending me to my room this entire time, which, really pisses me off, what makes her belive that she's in sutch a high position? Okay here's the(My computer just alerted me that I have 10% left, thanks, Brionne) line of power in my house Dad-Brionne_Me. That's right, I have the lowest amount of controll in this house. & it really pisses me off how some of the people*cough*Brionne*Cough* treat me in this house.To her, I'm not her sister, I'm just some fat, lazy, nusience layzing aroung the house, making messes all day. She pretty much hates me. She was all laughing with Steve & then when I went in there & sat on the edge of the chair, which a baby was sleeping on, she was like, GO IN YOUR ROOM. That reallllllllly pissed me off. It's like the first coupple of weeks she went out with Steve. I don't exist unless I'm a nussiance, again. I want to slap that woman & tell her to get off her high horse, & infact someday I will.I'm not as pissed off as I am, disgusted, upset, & other mixed feelings with Brione. THAT is the end of  my rant I have Some stuff to do, & 9% left, so I'm gonna end this. "Peace to my lovers, haters & masturbaters"-Shimmycocopuffs.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Konnichiwa~! Earrrrrrly March 27 2011

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I've spent the day leveling up & mega manufacturing on WLO & actually I still am~! Each 2 minutes I have to go back to WLO (It's in a different window) & begin manufacturing yet MORE Iron material combined with charcol, makes steel, which, is being used to make Grinding Equipment, Which, will allow me to make quite a bit of the things that I need. For example, rivets, which, are made out of wood, which I have loads of. Ahhh, since I started writing this, I've made 3 Iron Materials & right now I'm doing the charcol(Yes,yes I know I didn't spell  that right, it's 2am here~ Yes, I do stay up late when I can. Can you IMAGINE how F***ed up my sleep scedual is gonna be in summer?!). Sooooo, I had this supper weird dream about this boy that I know named Troy. For a LOOOOONG time I thought I was in love with Troy. It ends up that there's just a lack of cute boys who are nice & like me at my middle school. (OHHHHH & I had an orientation for my high school~! It was magical, thank you for asking) Poor Troy :( He actually likes me, or so I have reasonable sussipicion to belive. OH MY GOD (Making steel 1/5 right now.) I'm planning on getting an honor's degree, meaning, that I have to take atleast 8 official honor's courses, & take a forgien language~! At first first sight of this, I thought Pshhhhhh I'll easily get this, I rock at Japanese!!! Then, I begin looking through the avaliable languages. All they have is Spanish, French, & Paiute. You could guess what I chose. French, right! Well, when I was in like 5th(?) grade, we read a book about early school life, & I got inspired to look in our (HUGE at the time) library ( Our librarians were'nt bitches, which at my current school, are & I spent most of my time there) & I found a rather large book on it. So, one of the things I rember, is that ladies mostly took finishing school, & I found that they learned currsive, Frentch, manors etc So, I was like pshhhh why not? Every female can stand to be more lady-like. So, that's how I picked French. So, back to Troy. Well I had this nightmare about him. Er, not sure if I would call it a nightmare, but judge it after you hear it:I was in this room with a lot of computers & a cheap wooden floor. I was kneeling next to Troy. Here's the dialouge that followed:Bailey(B):"You play WLO?!" Troy(T)"Yup"B:Woooow you're sutch a high level!!(T) Yeah, I've been playing for a while. B:Oh, you should add me"T:"Okay. So then I walked away, got on myself, & got off, walked back & then kneeled & started talking to him again. B: Hey~ T: Hey sweetie. At this point I was blushing eally hard. He asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend & I was Like Yes!!( I don't rember his exact words, but I managet to squeeze a "Honey" Our before saying goodbye)& then I woke up, it WAS Saturday, & here's what went through my mind: OMG~!!! My alarm clock didn't go off!!!! S**t NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Damn you AT&T!!!!!Oh well, I'm going back to sleep. So, I fell back aslep & my dream contimued somehow: I was at this really ugly appartment, at the time was owned by Leigha & her family. & I was sitting on the coutch, chillin' with Leigha, when all of a sudden, this bar goes on the t.v. It looked like the applause meeter on Guitar Hero kinda. & it was bright green & Said "Good". Orange, " Okay". Yellow"Bad". Red :Critical, Going to meltdown.".(Steel 2/5 finish)& then you know when it's SUPPER HOT & you can see the heat waves raising from pavement & stuff?? Then That was every where & I was like OMG Where's Troy?! I I had to ask this girraffe looking guy. He said "Troy's in toe boiler room. He's got Yatzhee!!!" & I ran to the boiler room (I call it the boiler room, but it was the thing that was going on meltdown) So I was like Troy!!!!!!!!! & He was holding a hand of cards, smieling at me, playing yatzhee with some guy & I ran up to him, hugged him, grabbed him by the hand & an the hell out of there! So, i was sitting at Leigha's old appartment's huge table, & i was like did you try to kill yourself?! & He was like Yeah. From that point, I don't rember much, except being on this pirate-type ship, going nside the ship it's self & seeing Troy's bleeding arms. It looked like he had slit his arms all the way up his arms. I was crying & I kissed him & Said, " Don't ever do that again." I think the meltdown part, is fear from the reactors in Japan. I also have been having Zombie nightmares. I just was looking up the latest news about this & I almost fainted when I sawThis. (Steel start 3/5) Ah, my stomach is still having cramps from this. & when I awoke, I layed there for a coupple of momments trying to collect my thoughts, the first of them was, If he wanted to be with me, spend his life with me, then why did he keep trying to end it, cut our time short?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 35th Post~! March 23rd 2011

Hallo world~! Today was an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!! X3 I stayed home, I was up till 11 last night babysitting~ BUT Tomorrow is my high school orientation~! & I am so excited~! I'm taking Leigha with me & we're going home together~! AHHHH It's been so long since I've made an entry here~! Well I got the money so I can go to 6flags on Memmorial day weekend with the chior, band, & strings~! It was $65 total~! That was a lot of money~! But I get to go with people that enjoy music also. Ahhhhhhh today was a good day. Dad didn't get mad at me for staying home, I think he knows that I just needed a day off. Well, the charges on my phone bill showed up again~ Most of them from early Feburay, though I didn't charge any in February. Weird...But my math teacher is going to Afghanistan(Tried my best to spell that one.) Tomorow is going to be intresting. OH & I got a new email~! It sounds quite pretty~ It's called MusicAndRose I love it X3 It was inspired by my FB profile picture. Well, I have to continue reading this book, it's due tomorrow, Leigha lent it to me~ It's called Timeless & I highly reccomend it.I'm on page 232 out of 2 days with this book I LOVE IT SO MUCH & Leigha's getting the second book :D  Well night OH OH OH CHIOR FESTIVAL ON FRIDAY~!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

That really pisses me off Brionne

Brionne had her kids, but I don't think the hormones have worn off yet. She keeps saying " Well I had a hell of alot more to do when I was 14" So the fuck what? I'm a diffrent person than you, I have a diffrent life. Things change. My job is to go to school & live life. You don't even have a job right now so you have no say in the conversation. It really pisses me off when she says crap like When I was 14... I list my virginity, i had my first kiss Blah Blah Blah. I don't care. I'm 14 but I'm not you. I don't have a crush. If I were to have my first kiss then Oh big woop, it's over in seconds & we move on. I'm so tired of her comparing herself to me. I'M NOT YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE ABOUT IT.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wow it's been a long time

For the past 2 days there's been 3 things: Sleep, not enough, Home work, tooooo much, & Blogger, not enough. Well earlier I said his time in my heart is limited. Well last month I set a date & that date is comming up verrry soon. I still have yet to do my homework. I only have to do a bit of marchuck,& a double sided super easy math page. Why aren't I doing it right now or earlier? Well I was lacking motivation so I took a nap. THat nap lasted a looong time & I finally got a belt. It's good looking, I hope it works good. Was that proper choice in words? Does it matter? Well I don't think it's good to answer a question with a question. I'm sitting in the living room. My sister keeps sneeking on facebook. I wasn't minding it at first...But I think she's taking it to extremes. Nonetheless she does stay home all day. I would apriciate it, Though if she got on when I wasn't home. I made her an account on my computer. She looked up my cousins on facebook. I hate when they only have womans & girls. No teen? Damn. Ugh I have no idea what's wrong with me. I lack motivation & whenever I just look away people ask me if I'm sad. I'm not sad. Well honestly, I kind of am. I kind of wish he would transfer. So I wouldn't have to deal with it. Lateley I've just had a serries of bad days. Except yesterday. Yesterday was fine. I think I'm starting to hate Fridays. Apparentley I have a test EVEREY FRIDAY. In math, & science. Pretty soon we have a dance. It's for people with cs or higher in all of their classes. I think I might be able to go to this one~ Well it depends if my friends can go. I think it's reasuring just to know that I'm passing my classes. Ah I'm tired even though I slept from 4 to 9. I;m still tired. I don't want to spend half my day taking a nap. I wish that I never had to sleep & it never affected me but I could sleep if I wanted to. Have you noticed that Orange County Choppers has turned into a total drama. It's so stupid. It's like jersey shore for motorcyclists. I wish me & my dad went to more things together. I'm so tired of school. I don't like the people there. Evereybody thinks it's a joke. I'm just tired of it. Today I wrote about mom. I almost cried. I try not to think of her in that way anymore, It makes me too sad. I think I'll do my homework soon. I'm gonna have dessert first though. Sorry I don't write much But sleep gets the best of me from time to time. Wensday I got my day out, somebody actually listend to me & how my day was. Wellllll bye.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

walking home from another boring day~ i think we're drifting apart well more later my hands are cold.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

at this moment im walking ho.comme again nothing better to do then this i cant see off the glare on my phone so excuse mis spelled wors. today has been extremeley sucky. i got little to no sleep. i over slept this morning. the snoze button is begining to be my enemey. do you like this style of writing better?? our english teqacher taught it to us today. ahhh today was & is horrible. that was just a mini explinaton of my entry after i do my home work then we'll resume till rthen peace
at the moment im sitting on a crowded bus. i am in sutch a bad mood I'll expalin later this is just a prep for the mass of text hat is going to happen laer

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year & It's Late.

Bleh~ Hello. Why am I up at 11:48 pm? Yes I did get my homework done. 7 hours ago. Ugh I woke up minutes ago & I ate 3 tacos from taco bell & I feel HORRIBLE. I drank like 2 cups of water. I had no idea I was so thirsty, but I keep throwing up in my mouth. It tastes like tacos & that would be fine if it wasn't acid too. Today was a bleak dark day. I did however got to hang out with Leigha & Chantell however. Snow flake got a haircut, of which I think looks okay, & I told her,"If you love somebody you don't care what their hair looks like" & it's true. I think if he wants to let somebody massacre hair like that more power to him. I think it's sweet how he let his mom talk him into it. Eh, no I'm not a stalker, I saw his family at a concert once. Well all I'm going to say is that his days are limited in my heart unless he makes a move in a short time frame, & come on we all know that's never going to happen so I'm already starting to detach myself. Have you noticed that when I'm tired I get really negative? I'm staring down a order of cinnamon twists. I so want to eat the but at the same time I don't know what they're going to do to my stomach. Oh & sorry if there's errors like spelling grammar punctuation. It's almost tomorrow do you expect me to be an expert now? That's why we do our home work when we're conscious. Well, this happened yesterday too. Although I woke up at 12 & fell back asleep at 3. God damn, winter brake was wild. I still have silly string allover my floor. I'm sitting here my butt huts, I'm listening to idolm@ster & I feel horrible, Nothing could be worse. & on top of that it's 300 degrees in my room. Even though I'm wearing summer pjs I'm sweating. Yes, I did turn my heater off. Ahhhhh I'm dieing -_- There most fixed. Eh I think I'll catch up on my anime & eat those cinnamon twists with added water of course. Well Night people (By the way did you see my fish??? Click in the middle of the picture it's cool~)