Herroz >:O

Oh, Herro!!! I'm Bailey, & I live in hell. You'll soon find this to be creepily true as you read my blog! I admit, I used to be SUPPER WEIRD, this blog is proof enough. This is my average font& color that I use now, don't let it scare you >:O I LOVE sweets & can eat a full bag of truffles in under half an hour. I'm about to enter Spanish Springs High School & as far as I know, it's going to be awesome >.< You'll hear much more on that. I'm in honors English, so you have a couple expectations, I know, I know. OH,OH,OH!!! I LOVE  ANIME/MANGA/JAPAN!!! I am NOT, however, a weaboo. I have somewhat moderately adequate Japanese, & am STILL learning. My dad is an ass, & my sister can be too. Soooooo, sorry for keeping you reading this for Soooooo Looooong, but feel free to look through my year ^^~(P.S FEED THE FISSHYS~! It's awesome.)