Sunday, May 8, 2011

Er...Oh 5/8/11

I originally got on to tell you all that I'm feeling sickkkkk... But it's 12:24 a.m didn't quite feel like leaving that out,& It's now Mother's Day. I rember the first Mother's day I had when I was alone, It Was Horrible. I got in LOADS of troubble that day. Almost 4 years now. All I rember that day is that we had steaks & artichokes for dinner & I relber sulik-ly comming out of my room & how good it tased... Haha well, it's better not to dwell on the past right~! So, BLEH I feel kinda sick. I just basically threw up a second ago & I was like OMG BLOGGER! I hate Twitter. I think it's because I don't need to know what my friends are doing EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY. Well, when I was at Jeanie's house this weekend, I decided to start watching a bit of Soul Eater with Jeanie. I always get supper bored at her houes, so I figured, why not watch some anime? When she's not doing something, we can watch it together~! But, alas, she has the attention span of a squriel. So, I ended up watching episode 3+ on my own. Right now? I'm just starting ep. 15. We assigned roles. She's Death the Kid, I'm Maka, Jessica it Brea, Jason is reaper-sama, Aspen is my dad or Deathsythe, Jerrylin is Black Star & Ashlee is Tsubaki. Ofcourse, no random hot guys transfer to our school, have seen Soul Eater, like me & Manga, or are willing to join a group of random people who are called a Host Club. Although I did :D So, untill we find Soul, I'm Maka withought Soul. It's not fun when you have an AWESOME part, but nobody to play the supporting role. I find things to be weird with my sister today. She asked me if I had been experiencing with mind-altering drugs. Ofcourse I said no. If I don't date guys who do drugs, smoke, or drink, then why would I join them? She says that I'm not the same person. Duh, different people have different effects on me. Leigha makes me nomal, Jeaine combats that & she's not afaraid to be randomly weird. Nor should I. I just wana be me, get married off, be Hopefully rich, get Aspen tentacle raped & live my life happily married to a non-fat 50%(AT LEAST) cute otaku, & have ONE kid. You know~? I just want the simple life. I want to roam amongst my type, otakus, where we're not judged for who, or what we are...Eh, back to WLO& anime.

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