Sunday, May 29, 2011

Er, the 29th~

Hellooo,  YESTERDAY WE WENT TO SIX FLAGS!!!!!!!!! It was the best day of my life, The first ride we went on was Medusa, & then we got in line for sky screamer, we decided it wasn't worth it because they only had doubble seats & we had Sarah with us. I like Sarah, she's nice. Then, I got a funnel cake for 8.99 & shared most of it with Sarah, Leigha had a bite. THEN we went to Kong, waited there for like 2 hours, something happend to the ride & the people there told cheesey jokes. THEEEN, LEIGHA CHICKEND OUT!!! So, me & Sarah went. She dropped her phone on the ride~ So, we got cotton candy & took pictures in the photo booth. When we got out, Cameron & some random kid were there, so Cameron took us to a water ride, Leigha said she wanted to go on. We got SOAKED. I didn't go again, it was geting dark & as soon as I got off the ride, it started raining. I sat at a table, listening to music on my phone while they went again. Then, we went to Panda Express, I ended up gatting pizza because they didn't have my potstickers. We sat down & ate, I was being depressed for being soaking wet & cold. I had Sarah's sweatshirt on & it was wet too, I was shivering tying to eat my pizza~ OH & Cameron had his arm around Leigha on the entire ride. It was pissing me off. So, we ate & walked to the Superman store, they wanted to buy some dry clothes. Leigha got a t-shirt with a cape attached. I got a Medusa keychain & Cameron got a sweatshirt. He offered that sweatshit to Leigha &I almost called him a dick. I should have. BUT THEN, we got churros, I didn't feel like buying a churro,& Leigha wouldn't let me have any of hers, so Cameron gave me a bite of his. THEEEN, we all gathered at the fountain, it was pouring rain by now & I wanted to get on the bus & change. We ended up in the strings bus for like half an hour. THEN out bus FINALLY got there & I changed. We stopped for dinner & I got a taco, from Taco Bell,& a parfait & a soda, from Mcdonnalds. Thennn, we were off~! I listend to my music, my phone ran out of batterey, so then I used Jeanie's mp3 player. Buttt she got sick & clamied it back, SHE WAS LAYING ON ASPEN. But, then Leigha ended up being nice & we listend to her cd player, I ALMOST fell asleep ,but Aspen kept harassing em trying to sleep. Eventually, the bus driver had to put chains on, because it was icy & we were going over the mountains. It was kinda sucky, because when we got back, we found out that we spilled cheese-its allover the place~But, on the trip, I had time to think about alot of things. Like, lately, I've been thinking that I'm udeseving of my boyfriend, because he's popular, lives in a different state e.t.c & I thought that he'd brake up with me & be Usagi's again. But I realised something, if it's true, which I know it is, It'll find a way to keep itself going~& those were my thoughts^^ GOOD BYEEEE~ Btw I have a word press account~~

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