Monday, April 11, 2011


I feel like my sister has been tottaly ignoring me. By the way, do you like this font better? I do. So, she's been in a numb-like state since the beginning of this week. The begining of this week, she was verry sick. She made Steve baby sit though, I would have done it gladly. & she stayed in her room the entire time. She told me that I didn't do sh*t. If she had asked me I would have. I spent the time she was sick in my room, out of the way. Then I was asking her if she would like help, & she said that "She would call me if she needed my help". Now, this was a warning sigh, that things were going to get much worse. Today, she asked me to run errands with her. I did, we had to take the babies, & Steve was FINALLY leaving. So, I wasn't about to refuse the offer. I went with her, she dropped off applications at some places & we got some gas, she was FINALLY warming up to me. So we got home, all was back to the numb-like state mentioned earlier. I have no idea what I did. So, now she's being a b*tch again. I got the laptop charger ALL this week (Which was a quite large bonus for me). & she has been sending me to my room this entire time, which, really pisses me off, what makes her belive that she's in sutch a high position? Okay here's the(My computer just alerted me that I have 10% left, thanks, Brionne) line of power in my house Dad-Brionne_Me. That's right, I have the lowest amount of controll in this house. & it really pisses me off how some of the people*cough*Brionne*Cough* treat me in this house.To her, I'm not her sister, I'm just some fat, lazy, nusience layzing aroung the house, making messes all day. She pretty much hates me. She was all laughing with Steve & then when I went in there & sat on the edge of the chair, which a baby was sleeping on, she was like, GO IN YOUR ROOM. That reallllllllly pissed me off. It's like the first coupple of weeks she went out with Steve. I don't exist unless I'm a nussiance, again. I want to slap that woman & tell her to get off her high horse, & infact someday I will.I'm not as pissed off as I am, disgusted, upset, & other mixed feelings with Brione. THAT is the end of  my rant I have Some stuff to do, & 9% left, so I'm gonna end this. "Peace to my lovers, haters & masturbaters"-Shimmycocopuffs.

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