Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wow it's been a long time

For the past 2 days there's been 3 things: Sleep, not enough, Home work, tooooo much, & Blogger, not enough. Well earlier I said his time in my heart is limited. Well last month I set a date & that date is comming up verrry soon. I still have yet to do my homework. I only have to do a bit of marchuck,& a double sided super easy math page. Why aren't I doing it right now or earlier? Well I was lacking motivation so I took a nap. THat nap lasted a looong time & I finally got a belt. It's good looking, I hope it works good. Was that proper choice in words? Does it matter? Well I don't think it's good to answer a question with a question. I'm sitting in the living room. My sister keeps sneeking on facebook. I wasn't minding it at first...But I think she's taking it to extremes. Nonetheless she does stay home all day. I would apriciate it, Though if she got on when I wasn't home. I made her an account on my computer. She looked up my cousins on facebook. I hate when they only have womans & girls. No teen? Damn. Ugh I have no idea what's wrong with me. I lack motivation & whenever I just look away people ask me if I'm sad. I'm not sad. Well honestly, I kind of am. I kind of wish he would transfer. So I wouldn't have to deal with it. Lateley I've just had a serries of bad days. Except yesterday. Yesterday was fine. I think I'm starting to hate Fridays. Apparentley I have a test EVEREY FRIDAY. In math, & science. Pretty soon we have a dance. It's for people with cs or higher in all of their classes. I think I might be able to go to this one~ Well it depends if my friends can go. I think it's reasuring just to know that I'm passing my classes. Ah I'm tired even though I slept from 4 to 9. I;m still tired. I don't want to spend half my day taking a nap. I wish that I never had to sleep & it never affected me but I could sleep if I wanted to. Have you noticed that Orange County Choppers has turned into a total drama. It's so stupid. It's like jersey shore for motorcyclists. I wish me & my dad went to more things together. I'm so tired of school. I don't like the people there. Evereybody thinks it's a joke. I'm just tired of it. Today I wrote about mom. I almost cried. I try not to think of her in that way anymore, It makes me too sad. I think I'll do my homework soon. I'm gonna have dessert first though. Sorry I don't write much But sleep gets the best of me from time to time. Wensday I got my day out, somebody actually listend to me & how my day was. Wellllll bye.

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