Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Random Assemblment of Things You Didn't Know About Me

So, Here we go:
I hate mayonas & mustard. You will never ever get me to eat one of ,y sisters hamburgers. I don't hate american music, I chose not to listen to it. I wish my computer had a diffrent cover. I still have to do  a book report for english. I didn't really apriciate winter break untill yesterday. My phone has evereything I could want on it except for faster video. I do own a set of clip-on cat ears(though I wear them only to freak out my family). I don't think i\I'm really friends with Marissa. I lhink I'm starting to think of Chantell as less of a bitch. Leigha's comming over for new years on friday. Leigha left her keys over here a week ago. I still have them. I LOVE Smoked oysters,\. I'm starting to hate shrimp. I think baking breaded fish is better than frying it.I have a slice of hawaiian bread on a plate that has been there since approximateley 2 a clock, it feels like it's been toasted. It wasn't. I have a baby picture of myself on myy desk. I also have a picture of my great grand parents in their 20s in the bottom right of that frame.My mouse is Rust orange. I have a heater sitting next to me right now. I love to nibble on cheese. I will eat cans of tuna. I hate chicken of the sea it's cheap. I completed an entire 5 page back to back math take home test in a coupple hours. With added procastionation of course. I finally kind of cleaned my room. I want a jlist gift certificate. I want snow flake to show up at my beedroom door tomorrow. I still have to clean it. On my wall I have: A bear with a cupcake on its head sticker, a Smith's pharmacy calendar, 2 prom dress pictures, a fortune cookie wraper with my name printed on it, our inatials from alphabet soup, a paper heart that I glued lace onto, A bag with bags & my laptop carrying case in it, a heart ornament with printed flowers & in the shape of a heart from our judge, A D.N.A sample that I made when I got my shots to go into middle school (I am reminded by myself to take that down), A bunch of spray hair dye from last week that is bright orange & glitter, A peice of paper that I painted to say I love you in japanese with hearts around it, A sticker..., Fortune cookie fortunes, A picture of deidara, A rub on tatoo of a purple lotus, A poster of the akatsuki, a picture of me when we first moved to guthrie, & That's pretty much it. Keep in mind that's spread around all of my 4 & 1/2 walls. I hate sushi. I have a cat named lucy. bella bit me yesterday. & thats all I feel like putting for now~

Monday, December 27, 2010

Pardon My French~

god damn it I am so tired of my sister. she calls us pigs if we don't leave ev ereything perfectly clean. She needs to be slapped & she needs to shut up. & I understand that she dosen't get alot of sleep. Nethire do I. god damn it she won't call at&t to set up my internet. She told dad she would. *sigh*

Sunday, December 26, 2010

christmas re 2010

ahhh i feel so blissful. Im laying on my bed, I got a heater 4 christmas so my room is cozy & I finally got a laptop. But its not connected to the internet yet. we're gonna do that tomorro. im listening to chatomochy or however you spell it & i feel so peacefull. I'm laying on my bed cudled in my blanket& with my fav pillow. I love how music is so powerfull. pinocchio just came on & now feel happy. it's a naruto ending btw. eh i feel like im gonna throw up. well i'll make more stuff tomorro till then peace~

Saturday, December 25, 2010

he thinks I never listen to him. even though i say so everey time. damn baka. god its at times like this i want to slap him. he always has to ruin things. he thinks everey time i say somthing i am damn serious. hes never serious at apropriate know what? I stand strong. screw him.


Friday, December 24, 2010

I love you~

Well I was looking up lovey-dovey things & I was thinking of you so I made you this~ You know who you are~By the way I made this & all of it is true~
I love you because:
||When I'm cold all I have to do is think of you & I'm warm||When I'm sad all I need is the sight of you to make me feel like I'm flying|| When I think of you I don't feel a heartbeat|| I feel tears of joy when I think of you I didn't know they existed||If my dad pissed me off all I would have to do is text you & you would make me feel better||You try to hide your smile even though I know it's so cute||You try to hide your eyes with your hair But you have the most amazing eyes I've ever seen||We both like the same music|| When ever I see your face It makes me blush with delight|| I get up at the break of dawn everey morning to see you for a maxium of an hour. I'd gladly do it a hundred times over||Everey time we're apart my heart feels like it's cracking||You fill my heart with song|| You're the smartest person I know||You amaze me with everey word|| I would go around the universe just to see you smile. Once|| Everey day of vacation is one day closer to getting to see you again||It's so cute when I catch a glimpse of you & your looking at me|| You'r so sweet even when you'r not trying to be|| Your family is so cute I want to hug them X3||So um I'll embarass myself if I go on further if I haven't alreaddy & keep in mind this could be ANYBODY~ But I have one in mind but you'll never know~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So I just got an awesomeee phone X3 & it does evereything~ It gets on the internet it texts it tells the weather it plays the radio~ I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey I'll be back don't fret :D

Monday, December 20, 2010


I am so sad. So I decided to look myself up on google then I did translate & I went to maps.I went back to the places I have lived. I couldn't rember the adresses so I just typed in the city & looked around. Leigha JUST called so I feel happy & renewed^^~ She's sutch a good friend~ & she's gonna ask her mom if she can drop us off at the mall~ It might b on the way 2 her work~So if not I'm gonna freeze my butt off >.<
OHHHHH & todays my birthday <3

Sunday, December 19, 2010


*sigh* Hello ppl~ Today was a pretty big dissapointment. Leigha couldn't come over today. I was like really!?!?! We've been puting this off for like a month. So she's comming over here tomorrow. Dad couldn't get me a gift he won't be here. It's not the gift thing that bothers me. He won't be with me for my birthday everey birthday he's ben there. But not this one. I don't want to go ice skating tomorrow. I just want to stay home, curl up in a ball & stuff my 14year old face with icecream. Well brezzy went with steve to get me a present. I don't really want it now that I think about it. I really regret not asking Anthony to go ice skating with us. Tomorrow were just gonna go to the mall. If we can live to, were having a blizzard here. So I hope she can even come here. Well today was a waste but I think I'll see this journal page again tomorrow. Good night & wish me a happy birthday??

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ah You know what I did today? I was looking through this computer & you'll never guess what I found. I found numerous pictures of me forgotten for years. I found my 6th grade graduation pictures, My first concert & last year's christmas pictures. It reminded me that I'm growing up bit by bit without even noticing. I saw a picture of myself & the sign of my new school, or the school I'm in right now. It reminded me of what I thought middle school was going to be like & how easy I thought it'd be. I though it would be roses but it's not at all. I have so much homework I can bareley breathe without joting down a couple thousand pages of notes in class.  But I did still like the same guy back then. Then I was too stupid to realize how sweet he was. I was hypinotzed with this really stupid douche canoe named cameron. I still Hate him I got him to go out with me last year & it was HORRIBLE. I was finally starting to get over cameron when Leigha told me he asked me out. I was so happy. But when I finally did get over him Anthony came along & saved me from falling into his clutches again. That's a smalllllll leftover reason why I like him. I was tottaly gonna ask him to ice skating but I didn't AHHHH I FEEL SOOOO SUTPIDDD Well my bday is the day after tomorro so that's good~

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Am So Greatfull

*deep sigh of relif* Oh I was so upset & didn't want to go to school today. I cried last night thinking I wouldn't be abel to go to the dance. I've gone to every dance at my school since I got there & Leigha was going to a feild trip so I would be all alone at lunch. But actually things worked to my advantage, most of the people in honors ( that's what I call it now~) had to go on it. It's a feild trip to some stupid artistic school. But I did get to see him type. He types so gracefully like me, we both have very long fingers. So he had to take the computer next to my seat >.< But when I first got in 1st jake stole my hat & ran off to his friends. One of his friends threw it back to me perfectly. I'm starting to get better at catching & aim. Well anyways. I saw him (now talking about somebody else) at the stupid ass assembley. I had to sit next to these douche canoes (new word). They laughed at EVEREYTHING, they were sevies &, when it was time to pick people for activities they stood on the bleachers & sceamed. That wasn't the only screaming I heard, we had a ex bad boy as a speaker & he plays basketball really good. He offerd $5 if you could make a shot & $20 if you could make it half court $1 if you just wanted to go sit back down. So then he bet on if he could score a basket before his accomplis, jsomthing. So then this Massive group of girls kept screaming when he got the ball. In the end nobody scored a basket cuz' we ran out of time. So then I dragged myself to the last class of the day, shortend because of unplaned extra assembley time. So then I was thinking how I'll not go to te dance or get free dress & all because of my cheesey grades. Finally he shut up about the history of California. We don't even live in California. But I was'nt sure if I was on the list so I checked with my teacher & AMAZINGLY I was on it!!!!! So he did'nt have any wristbands so he just gave us leftover wristbands from halloween. So I happily left with a smile on my face. Oh & we get free dress about once a month, we have uniforms, were in a bad nebiorhood. Well I have 10 pages of homework & a paper to bubble out. It takes me forever because I have crappy hand writing & I have to make it readable & I still have to

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14th 2010

Hello~ Today I managed to make it through. Ah screw it I wrote a MUCH larger entry but You kind of have to knowme first peace~

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello Again~

*Sigh* I am so scared to talk to him I'm not even sure if I can. I made my move & I'm wating for his. Ahhhhhh I just took like 30 stupid crush tests. They were all yes except one. I'm planing to change that. I want sooooo badly to go hang out with his group. But chantell & jake broke up. DAMN ANNIE!!! She always ruins things for me. When I told her I liked anthony she told me he called her cute pet names. I want to stabbbb her. She has always been that way I guess. Ohh she broke up jake & chantell. Why? Because she wants him as a back up if she breaks up with her curent bf (one of anthonys friends) I'm just wating for him to put the peices together & ask me out. I was thinking ice skating!! I've never been ice skating & it would give me an excuse to hold his hand, its winter, he knows how to take the bus, I'm in walking distance of his house ( we used to have the same bus stop). *sigh* If only~ I want him as a christmas present. I made that verrrrry clear in my letter to santa~ Yes, santa exists as long as I get what I want. Don't fail me now santa~ Well now we can't go over there during lunch cuz' chantell hates him now. But it's just another week untill they'll be stupid love birds again. Ah whyyyy anthonyyyy~??? Well anyways were setting up the christmas tree & I have homework Wish for anthony to make his move pleeease~? Well byeeee~

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Um hii again^^~

          Aparently that's what I got OMG OMG OMGGGG I Love Somebody~~~ I shall tell~ He's supppper smart & hes adorible & He has a nice family that I sussuspcet other things are happening so he needs a hug & a slice of pie~ Okay so there you go <3 & when I hug him we fit perfectly~ I love him if I may say so~Fly me to the moon,
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand....
In other words, baby kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for evermore,
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you....

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for evermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true.... !!
In other words, in other words....
I love...
You !!

I Love that song~ It reminds me of somebody (P.s those lyrics were ripped off a youtube page & Fly Me To the Moon - Frank Sinatra hope I spelled that right)~

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Decemer 11th 2010

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPEND TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! So We had a concert on thursday & my dad nethire my sis could come. I went to leighas house instead. SOOO We bought lots of chocolate & a lady gave us a dollar BUT that's not the point. I finnally got to the concert after obsessing over what I was going to wear. From now onI'll just use snowflakes real name Anthony R. BUTTTT I got there & I saw antony & He looked sooooo cute in his tie & tux shirt, Well we all were wearing tux shirts kind of. Choir & strings were tho. & So I was super sad throughout the concert because my parents didn't come to my first concert. That was suuper stupid of me. But, to cheer myself up I wispered to Leigha " Hey I'm gonna hug Anthony & tell him he did really good after the concert." She told me that she'd give me extra chocolate cherys if I did, make sure that I did, & come with me. So I got suuuper nervous, my legs felt like unset jello. Leigha had to help me off the risers xD. So, afterwards I walked up to the bass players he was off somewhere close. I said to te only girl bass player you did really good Just to TEST it, se said oh thanks not really though & I was like " can I touch it???" & she was like yeah. It was really hard~  they make those things out of super hard wood xD Okay so moving on Anthony was walking towads his friends who we had our backs too & I went up to him & said, " You did really good, merry christmas" & hugged him. I think he said something like you too & I said thanks. I don't rember I'm just happy I didn't pass out >.< But then we went back to te chior/band/Jazz band/precussion room & helped put stuff away. Along with Anthony. I held the door open for him & he for me. OH MY GOD IT WAS AWESOME!! So at the end he grabbed a HUGE amp & I grabbed the smaller one OHHHH  did I mention he plays the biiig bass & the regulat bass. How ironic a song with bass just came on^^~ So I grabed the amp following behind him & Just to talk I said," Anthonyyy >.< Where does this gooo~????" & he said Idunno SO then we were in the room & I said " WHy don't they put wheels on these >.>" & he laughed not one of those like HAHAHAH laughs like a strained hah (Youll find out in a min) So Then he put the amp down & so I put mine next to his. But then Mr.Lindquist (our music teacher's anchient husband)  Was like put the amps on that wall T.T SO I did & I did mind first, Then I grabed his (He was alreaddy at the door & he put it by where the bass usually goes) & It was liuke 3000000000000000000000 pounds. No wonder he was limping!! & I was like awwwww. So now for some explanations: Why I was so scared to go up to Anthony & hug him: His family was there, They looked really nice but I was scared that I would catch him on his was to see his family & he'd be anxious & give a half hearted hug & then his family would be like who are you!?!?! But all turned out well^^~ So lateley ive been feeling waaay behind him. he plays 2 diffrent instrauments & is in honors english AND in the advanced math class. But I felt alot better after I saw marissa's math home work (She's in the same class) It was supper easy!! So I'm in honors english too. & then I was jealous Soooo I looked up how to play bass. It's actually not that hard~ I rember all of the notes on a 6 string & Know how to tell the notes appart, tune it, repace the strings, AND hold it. I need help with the fingerings.OHH & I know how to read tabs X3. The things we do for love. Well now I'm improving my grades & working hard to be with Anthony. Wow, it would suck if he read all this^^~. & as you may have noticed I added stuff like : >.> ^^~ T.T to tell the mood of how somebody said something. I uesd to have no idea how to write without those things & sound like I was going to murder somebody~ Well that's my main day/week Ahhhh Wish me luck. I think I'm going to try a new hair style on monday for him~

Monday, December 6, 2010

Super Hello

Haiiiiiiiiiii. That's what I say today. So lets start today off (story tellin now) with 1st period I had english *sighs* ah, english. Now I'm trying to get over snowflake he's kind of ignoring me now. But today was different!! So In 1st not much happend but I realized that I have alooot of home work tonight Ohhhh song refrence~oops wrong song band combo >.< Stil we went to 2nd period. There's somthing about 2nd period math that makes me want to doodle. But I was sick on friday, so I had no idea what was going on when he said, " what's 35 increased by 8%" I was like Fudge. So he got suppper pissed. He made us do problems 2-4 in warmups as a test & said " If one of you fails you all fail. Oh & you can work with your partner^^". So I was like "were you here on friday?", & she was like "yeah". So she was no help at all. Thank god for the forumula on the board, I would have died without it. I actually had to tell her -_-. But we made it. So he showed us the answers, after collecting the tests ofcourse. He said, "Who got them all right??" Nobody raised their hands. I was like shiz, I didn't get one answer right >.< Well it seems these days I'm more likeley to cuss. Oh well, So that happend & now were in 3rd period. So I have U.S History. That'll change after Christmas. So I turned in this huge-ass packet. Ahhhh My stomach is growling -_-. Well so that happend & I was bored out of my mind. Were learning about ww1. We started just today. Buttt then I got out of the endless class & Boom! Its 4th period. So that's Chior.Were having a concert on thursday. I'm so excited. I love 4th period because it's te only class I have with Leigha. So we talked & joked around, None the less we still get our work done. So I still have to get her a santa hat. She got me one last year & I still have mine, she lost her's so I'm gonna be nice & get her one tommoro^^~, What? I'm not made of money & my sis isn't going to the store today. So then lunch came( We had 4th before lunch) & Well I ad a poptart & Jake had chantell -_-. Well atleast I got some close time to snowflake. Ahhhhh if I could get him to hug ME like that~ Ah well anyways~ So that was lunch. So then we got into 6th. I turned in my  Photo club form finally & I'm going to it tomorro. I'm kinda scared I need a camera thats' digital, charged & extra memmoroy. If I don't bring my own I'll have to share. I don't want to share >.< OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I tottttalllllyyyy forgot Snowflake got to play at a festival He plays base ( The bigggg one) & he's really good. I get to hear him when I put up christmas decos in chior & at our concerts. I haven't heard him play in a while. I bet he got better from last year, I think his abilities as a basist are limited by the strength of the other strings. The last time I heard him play he was stuck plucking te strings, In perfect time may I add. I always see him hauling around this HUUUGE base in a cover. Hes taller then it probably xD He's so cute. Well I have mixed feelings~ Well That was my day^^~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Helooooo Thereeee

Er~Ah mutch better. So would you like to know how my day was^^~?. It was half good & half boooring. Well today we had 1st peirod 1st (that happens only on mondays we have a weird moving staircase scedual). So We were in there & we got moved around today. So Of course my Englis teacher, Mr.Miller has to put snowflake like right behind me. I was so embarassed. I mean picture it him staring at only the back of my head when he could tottaly be sitting right across from me talking to me or somthing. I know he wants to talk to me. Wer'e both a little shy. If I were to attempt to talk to him I would explode. I mean EXPLODE. Wev'e huged 2 times & talked once & it was a hi~ He ad toi say it I was going to pass out or somthing after he said it. He hugged me last year & we said hi this year. So Leigha is friends with chantell. Chantell & I were mortal enemeys in 6th. When I first moved here her group ditched me. All alone a little 6th grader *bitch* No Bailey be nice!!!. Well she & I kind of made up & so shes going out with jake, jake is friends with snowflake & he's in that group so they came ovew to our group on friday. Well anyways, Me & leigha bought 2 bags of pop corn at lunch &a gatorade. So we decided to go outside & tease the sevies with our hot popcorn in like 3 degree weather. So we went outside & chantell was out there with jake( There inseperable. If you find her you find jake, It makes me jealous truthfully, Not of jake but of te way he always hugs hes & he was like of course your beautifull.It sickens me now, I wish snowflake was that way twoards ME) So we dropped the gatorade cuz we were too lazy to hold it. Jake took it & went off to play hacky sack (They therew a hacky sack at him) & he took the gatorade (we didn't mind tho). So he comes back & in about 3 mind I see snowflake throwing a bottle of blue gatorade. I was like really~? Well I was stuffing my face with popcorn at that time so I was happy that my little insignificant bottle of gatorade had reached the hottest guy in my life. So then we got to 6th peoriod (right after lunch). So I sat & wasted as mutch time as possible screwing with the symbols function on word. So My 6t peoriod teacher saw my artistic genius on the word because that's another way I waste time. I stretch photos & use them as a backround &  use squigly writing. Well she saw one of my worser works & said ohh Bailey why don't you sign up for photo club!?!?!?! & thats after school on tuesdays. I'm having breezy fill the form out right now. OHHHH breezy had the twins. I showed almost evereybody I knew the pictures >.< So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Well thats all for today~ WIsh me luck with the photo club.^^~

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Cherry Blossom~

When I Was a little girl we had a big 2 story house. It had a huge lawn with little pink flower bushes riming it. When I was a little girl I had no idea that there was anywhere besides the town that I lived in, Let alone Japan. So, we had this beautifull cherry tree by the drive way. I had no idea what it was, besides a tree. Now my big sister & her family live in it. They pretty mutch destroyed it though. I know because when I was 8 I visited there for Halloween & they had knoceked out some walls, took out our bar (not acoloholic), But the cherry tree was still there & so was our orange tree. I rember when I was little I used to go in te back yard & freeze my butt off looking for oranges. Of course I did that on my own. If you looked under our old deck you'd find mamas rose buds (they destroyed them too) , countless little ruber toys , Keys, &a $100 bill. Yes I was verry troublesome when I was little. I miss that house. Sometimes I have dreams about it. I wish I could live there. They took out the tile that I took my first steps & words on. It really upsets me. We went from that house to a one story house when I was about 7. I was worse there for a bit. I cussed & talked back in class. I hated it there. I kept asking why we had to move & sed thousands of tears over it. I was verry upset & when we got there I got so sick my parents actually thought they would loose me. I was so unuesd to the enviorment over there.My parents told my we were moving by saying "would you like to go see your cousins bailey??". Little did I know that the house we would move into would house the most tramatic events in my life. So we moved & I hated it. There was no clean paved streets to ride my bike on. There was no garden with bell peppers. No cherry blossoms in the wind. So one day I was rideing my bike up to the house my mother told me not to. & I loved that house. I uesd to like bugs & I was playing with the black & red ones because they were pouring out of the cracked driveway. & I loved te steep driveway,

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ummmmm Hi I'm Bailey & I'm 13 years old. Well Lets start on about meeee. I Loove roses I know how 2 knit 2 stitchet & am currently failing at making a reallly long blanket well two (you'll find out later). Well I'm in the 8th grade & I have 2 friends marissa & Leigha. I have a crush & his name is Anthony (I reallly hope he dosen't read this). I tried to make a garden this summer & EVEREYTHING died. Well that was on my goal list but I managed to sprout a holly hock but it died shortly after I thought about making another one but it;s alreaddy October. I was born on December 20 & I hate that because people are always like "Your'e 13 & in 8th grade!? did you get held back or somthing??" & thats when my self controll of slapping that person is tested. Oh and the h on this keyboard is kinda weird so yeah~. I'm usually on my dad's computer & he Will kill me if he finds me on it. SO that's why I' making my cristmas list short & sweet Just a mini laptop for me.SO that way I could blog evereyday for you guys (if ther are any but that would be weird if I had people reading this on the first day). Not to mention the huuuuge list of manga charcter cds & endless crap on my barnes & noble wish list (Baileyjo1996 if you wanted to know my main name for pretty mutch evereything).So that's me^^~ now 4 some pepole in my life:
Brione: She hates how her name is spelled & spelles it brionna.She's my big sister & shes 16 years older than me.She lives with us. She's pregnant with twin boys.Today she told me she wanted to name them snookie and the situation..... She's not though.I won't let her~ . She always eats my pops -_-.But I eat her apples :3. She's dating Steve: I don't like steve. he got brione pregnant. He's old & did drugs. He got alot of $$ from this lady he knew.& spent most of it.He always comes over to our house. I can't eat the leftover food from dinner becaust "it's for steve".He comes over EVEREY NIGHT. & my dad dosen't know or probably care.Well thats the begining of it more later~