Sunday, December 19, 2010


*sigh* Hello ppl~ Today was a pretty big dissapointment. Leigha couldn't come over today. I was like really!?!?! We've been puting this off for like a month. So she's comming over here tomorrow. Dad couldn't get me a gift he won't be here. It's not the gift thing that bothers me. He won't be with me for my birthday everey birthday he's ben there. But not this one. I don't want to go ice skating tomorrow. I just want to stay home, curl up in a ball & stuff my 14year old face with icecream. Well brezzy went with steve to get me a present. I don't really want it now that I think about it. I really regret not asking Anthony to go ice skating with us. Tomorrow were just gonna go to the mall. If we can live to, were having a blizzard here. So I hope she can even come here. Well today was a waste but I think I'll see this journal page again tomorrow. Good night & wish me a happy birthday??

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