Friday, December 24, 2010

I love you~

Well I was looking up lovey-dovey things & I was thinking of you so I made you this~ You know who you are~By the way I made this & all of it is true~
I love you because:
||When I'm cold all I have to do is think of you & I'm warm||When I'm sad all I need is the sight of you to make me feel like I'm flying|| When I think of you I don't feel a heartbeat|| I feel tears of joy when I think of you I didn't know they existed||If my dad pissed me off all I would have to do is text you & you would make me feel better||You try to hide your smile even though I know it's so cute||You try to hide your eyes with your hair But you have the most amazing eyes I've ever seen||We both like the same music|| When ever I see your face It makes me blush with delight|| I get up at the break of dawn everey morning to see you for a maxium of an hour. I'd gladly do it a hundred times over||Everey time we're apart my heart feels like it's cracking||You fill my heart with song|| You're the smartest person I know||You amaze me with everey word|| I would go around the universe just to see you smile. Once|| Everey day of vacation is one day closer to getting to see you again||It's so cute when I catch a glimpse of you & your looking at me|| You'r so sweet even when you'r not trying to be|| Your family is so cute I want to hug them X3||So um I'll embarass myself if I go on further if I haven't alreaddy & keep in mind this could be ANYBODY~ But I have one in mind but you'll never know~

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