Saturday, December 11, 2010

Decemer 11th 2010

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPEND TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! So We had a concert on thursday & my dad nethire my sis could come. I went to leighas house instead. SOOO We bought lots of chocolate & a lady gave us a dollar BUT that's not the point. I finnally got to the concert after obsessing over what I was going to wear. From now onI'll just use snowflakes real name Anthony R. BUTTTT I got there & I saw antony & He looked sooooo cute in his tie & tux shirt, Well we all were wearing tux shirts kind of. Choir & strings were tho. & So I was super sad throughout the concert because my parents didn't come to my first concert. That was suuper stupid of me. But, to cheer myself up I wispered to Leigha " Hey I'm gonna hug Anthony & tell him he did really good after the concert." She told me that she'd give me extra chocolate cherys if I did, make sure that I did, & come with me. So I got suuuper nervous, my legs felt like unset jello. Leigha had to help me off the risers xD. So, afterwards I walked up to the bass players he was off somewhere close. I said to te only girl bass player you did really good Just to TEST it, se said oh thanks not really though & I was like " can I touch it???" & she was like yeah. It was really hard~  they make those things out of super hard wood xD Okay so moving on Anthony was walking towads his friends who we had our backs too & I went up to him & said, " You did really good, merry christmas" & hugged him. I think he said something like you too & I said thanks. I don't rember I'm just happy I didn't pass out >.< But then we went back to te chior/band/Jazz band/precussion room & helped put stuff away. Along with Anthony. I held the door open for him & he for me. OH MY GOD IT WAS AWESOME!! So at the end he grabbed a HUGE amp & I grabbed the smaller one OHHHH  did I mention he plays the biiig bass & the regulat bass. How ironic a song with bass just came on^^~ So I grabed the amp following behind him & Just to talk I said," Anthonyyy >.< Where does this gooo~????" & he said Idunno SO then we were in the room & I said " WHy don't they put wheels on these >.>" & he laughed not one of those like HAHAHAH laughs like a strained hah (Youll find out in a min) So Then he put the amp down & so I put mine next to his. But then Mr.Lindquist (our music teacher's anchient husband)  Was like put the amps on that wall T.T SO I did & I did mind first, Then I grabed his (He was alreaddy at the door & he put it by where the bass usually goes) & It was liuke 3000000000000000000000 pounds. No wonder he was limping!! & I was like awwwww. So now for some explanations: Why I was so scared to go up to Anthony & hug him: His family was there, They looked really nice but I was scared that I would catch him on his was to see his family & he'd be anxious & give a half hearted hug & then his family would be like who are you!?!?! But all turned out well^^~ So lateley ive been feeling waaay behind him. he plays 2 diffrent instrauments & is in honors english AND in the advanced math class. But I felt alot better after I saw marissa's math home work (She's in the same class) It was supper easy!! So I'm in honors english too. & then I was jealous Soooo I looked up how to play bass. It's actually not that hard~ I rember all of the notes on a 6 string & Know how to tell the notes appart, tune it, repace the strings, AND hold it. I need help with the fingerings.OHH & I know how to read tabs X3. The things we do for love. Well now I'm improving my grades & working hard to be with Anthony. Wow, it would suck if he read all this^^~. & as you may have noticed I added stuff like : >.> ^^~ T.T to tell the mood of how somebody said something. I uesd to have no idea how to write without those things & sound like I was going to murder somebody~ Well that's my main day/week Ahhhh Wish me luck. I think I'm going to try a new hair style on monday for him~

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