Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Am So Greatfull

*deep sigh of relif* Oh I was so upset & didn't want to go to school today. I cried last night thinking I wouldn't be abel to go to the dance. I've gone to every dance at my school since I got there & Leigha was going to a feild trip so I would be all alone at lunch. But actually things worked to my advantage, most of the people in honors ( that's what I call it now~) had to go on it. It's a feild trip to some stupid artistic school. But I did get to see him type. He types so gracefully like me, we both have very long fingers. So he had to take the computer next to my seat >.< But when I first got in 1st jake stole my hat & ran off to his friends. One of his friends threw it back to me perfectly. I'm starting to get better at catching & aim. Well anyways. I saw him (now talking about somebody else) at the stupid ass assembley. I had to sit next to these douche canoes (new word). They laughed at EVEREYTHING, they were sevies &, when it was time to pick people for activities they stood on the bleachers & sceamed. That wasn't the only screaming I heard, we had a ex bad boy as a speaker & he plays basketball really good. He offerd $5 if you could make a shot & $20 if you could make it half court $1 if you just wanted to go sit back down. So then he bet on if he could score a basket before his accomplis, jsomthing. So then this Massive group of girls kept screaming when he got the ball. In the end nobody scored a basket cuz' we ran out of time. So then I dragged myself to the last class of the day, shortend because of unplaned extra assembley time. So then I was thinking how I'll not go to te dance or get free dress & all because of my cheesey grades. Finally he shut up about the history of California. We don't even live in California. But I was'nt sure if I was on the list so I checked with my teacher & AMAZINGLY I was on it!!!!! So he did'nt have any wristbands so he just gave us leftover wristbands from halloween. So I happily left with a smile on my face. Oh & we get free dress about once a month, we have uniforms, were in a bad nebiorhood. Well I have 10 pages of homework & a paper to bubble out. It takes me forever because I have crappy hand writing & I have to make it readable & I still have to

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