Monday, December 6, 2010

Super Hello

Haiiiiiiiiiii. That's what I say today. So lets start today off (story tellin now) with 1st period I had english *sighs* ah, english. Now I'm trying to get over snowflake he's kind of ignoring me now. But today was different!! So In 1st not much happend but I realized that I have alooot of home work tonight Ohhhh song refrence~oops wrong song band combo >.< Stil we went to 2nd period. There's somthing about 2nd period math that makes me want to doodle. But I was sick on friday, so I had no idea what was going on when he said, " what's 35 increased by 8%" I was like Fudge. So he got suppper pissed. He made us do problems 2-4 in warmups as a test & said " If one of you fails you all fail. Oh & you can work with your partner^^". So I was like "were you here on friday?", & she was like "yeah". So she was no help at all. Thank god for the forumula on the board, I would have died without it. I actually had to tell her -_-. But we made it. So he showed us the answers, after collecting the tests ofcourse. He said, "Who got them all right??" Nobody raised their hands. I was like shiz, I didn't get one answer right >.< Well it seems these days I'm more likeley to cuss. Oh well, So that happend & now were in 3rd period. So I have U.S History. That'll change after Christmas. So I turned in this huge-ass packet. Ahhhh My stomach is growling -_-. Well so that happend & I was bored out of my mind. Were learning about ww1. We started just today. Buttt then I got out of the endless class & Boom! Its 4th period. So that's Chior.Were having a concert on thursday. I'm so excited. I love 4th period because it's te only class I have with Leigha. So we talked & joked around, None the less we still get our work done. So I still have to get her a santa hat. She got me one last year & I still have mine, she lost her's so I'm gonna be nice & get her one tommoro^^~, What? I'm not made of money & my sis isn't going to the store today. So then lunch came( We had 4th before lunch) & Well I ad a poptart & Jake had chantell -_-. Well atleast I got some close time to snowflake. Ahhhhh if I could get him to hug ME like that~ Ah well anyways~ So that was lunch. So then we got into 6th. I turned in my  Photo club form finally & I'm going to it tomorro. I'm kinda scared I need a camera thats' digital, charged & extra memmoroy. If I don't bring my own I'll have to share. I don't want to share >.< OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I tottttalllllyyyy forgot Snowflake got to play at a festival He plays base ( The bigggg one) & he's really good. I get to hear him when I put up christmas decos in chior & at our concerts. I haven't heard him play in a while. I bet he got better from last year, I think his abilities as a basist are limited by the strength of the other strings. The last time I heard him play he was stuck plucking te strings, In perfect time may I add. I always see him hauling around this HUUUGE base in a cover. Hes taller then it probably xD He's so cute. Well I have mixed feelings~ Well That was my day^^~

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