Friday, November 26, 2010

The Cherry Blossom~

When I Was a little girl we had a big 2 story house. It had a huge lawn with little pink flower bushes riming it. When I was a little girl I had no idea that there was anywhere besides the town that I lived in, Let alone Japan. So, we had this beautifull cherry tree by the drive way. I had no idea what it was, besides a tree. Now my big sister & her family live in it. They pretty mutch destroyed it though. I know because when I was 8 I visited there for Halloween & they had knoceked out some walls, took out our bar (not acoloholic), But the cherry tree was still there & so was our orange tree. I rember when I was little I used to go in te back yard & freeze my butt off looking for oranges. Of course I did that on my own. If you looked under our old deck you'd find mamas rose buds (they destroyed them too) , countless little ruber toys , Keys, &a $100 bill. Yes I was verry troublesome when I was little. I miss that house. Sometimes I have dreams about it. I wish I could live there. They took out the tile that I took my first steps & words on. It really upsets me. We went from that house to a one story house when I was about 7. I was worse there for a bit. I cussed & talked back in class. I hated it there. I kept asking why we had to move & sed thousands of tears over it. I was verry upset & when we got there I got so sick my parents actually thought they would loose me. I was so unuesd to the enviorment over there.My parents told my we were moving by saying "would you like to go see your cousins bailey??". Little did I know that the house we would move into would house the most tramatic events in my life. So we moved & I hated it. There was no clean paved streets to ride my bike on. There was no garden with bell peppers. No cherry blossoms in the wind. So one day I was rideing my bike up to the house my mother told me not to. & I loved that house. I uesd to like bugs & I was playing with the black & red ones because they were pouring out of the cracked driveway. & I loved te steep driveway,

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