Monday, November 29, 2010

Helooooo Thereeee

Er~Ah mutch better. So would you like to know how my day was^^~?. It was half good & half boooring. Well today we had 1st peirod 1st (that happens only on mondays we have a weird moving staircase scedual). So We were in there & we got moved around today. So Of course my Englis teacher, Mr.Miller has to put snowflake like right behind me. I was so embarassed. I mean picture it him staring at only the back of my head when he could tottaly be sitting right across from me talking to me or somthing. I know he wants to talk to me. Wer'e both a little shy. If I were to attempt to talk to him I would explode. I mean EXPLODE. Wev'e huged 2 times & talked once & it was a hi~ He ad toi say it I was going to pass out or somthing after he said it. He hugged me last year & we said hi this year. So Leigha is friends with chantell. Chantell & I were mortal enemeys in 6th. When I first moved here her group ditched me. All alone a little 6th grader *bitch* No Bailey be nice!!!. Well she & I kind of made up & so shes going out with jake, jake is friends with snowflake & he's in that group so they came ovew to our group on friday. Well anyways, Me & leigha bought 2 bags of pop corn at lunch &a gatorade. So we decided to go outside & tease the sevies with our hot popcorn in like 3 degree weather. So we went outside & chantell was out there with jake( There inseperable. If you find her you find jake, It makes me jealous truthfully, Not of jake but of te way he always hugs hes & he was like of course your beautifull.It sickens me now, I wish snowflake was that way twoards ME) So we dropped the gatorade cuz we were too lazy to hold it. Jake took it & went off to play hacky sack (They therew a hacky sack at him) & he took the gatorade (we didn't mind tho). So he comes back & in about 3 mind I see snowflake throwing a bottle of blue gatorade. I was like really~? Well I was stuffing my face with popcorn at that time so I was happy that my little insignificant bottle of gatorade had reached the hottest guy in my life. So then we got to 6th peoriod (right after lunch). So I sat & wasted as mutch time as possible screwing with the symbols function on word. So My 6t peoriod teacher saw my artistic genius on the word because that's another way I waste time. I stretch photos & use them as a backround &  use squigly writing. Well she saw one of my worser works & said ohh Bailey why don't you sign up for photo club!?!?!?! & thats after school on tuesdays. I'm having breezy fill the form out right now. OHHHH breezy had the twins. I showed almost evereybody I knew the pictures >.< So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Well thats all for today~ WIsh me luck with the photo club.^^~

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Cherry Blossom~

When I Was a little girl we had a big 2 story house. It had a huge lawn with little pink flower bushes riming it. When I was a little girl I had no idea that there was anywhere besides the town that I lived in, Let alone Japan. So, we had this beautifull cherry tree by the drive way. I had no idea what it was, besides a tree. Now my big sister & her family live in it. They pretty mutch destroyed it though. I know because when I was 8 I visited there for Halloween & they had knoceked out some walls, took out our bar (not acoloholic), But the cherry tree was still there & so was our orange tree. I rember when I was little I used to go in te back yard & freeze my butt off looking for oranges. Of course I did that on my own. If you looked under our old deck you'd find mamas rose buds (they destroyed them too) , countless little ruber toys , Keys, &a $100 bill. Yes I was verry troublesome when I was little. I miss that house. Sometimes I have dreams about it. I wish I could live there. They took out the tile that I took my first steps & words on. It really upsets me. We went from that house to a one story house when I was about 7. I was worse there for a bit. I cussed & talked back in class. I hated it there. I kept asking why we had to move & sed thousands of tears over it. I was verry upset & when we got there I got so sick my parents actually thought they would loose me. I was so unuesd to the enviorment over there.My parents told my we were moving by saying "would you like to go see your cousins bailey??". Little did I know that the house we would move into would house the most tramatic events in my life. So we moved & I hated it. There was no clean paved streets to ride my bike on. There was no garden with bell peppers. No cherry blossoms in the wind. So one day I was rideing my bike up to the house my mother told me not to. & I loved that house. I uesd to like bugs & I was playing with the black & red ones because they were pouring out of the cracked driveway. & I loved te steep driveway,