Sunday, March 27, 2011

Konnichiwa~! Earrrrrrly March 27 2011

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I've spent the day leveling up & mega manufacturing on WLO & actually I still am~! Each 2 minutes I have to go back to WLO (It's in a different window) & begin manufacturing yet MORE Iron material combined with charcol, makes steel, which, is being used to make Grinding Equipment, Which, will allow me to make quite a bit of the things that I need. For example, rivets, which, are made out of wood, which I have loads of. Ahhh, since I started writing this, I've made 3 Iron Materials & right now I'm doing the charcol(Yes,yes I know I didn't spell  that right, it's 2am here~ Yes, I do stay up late when I can. Can you IMAGINE how F***ed up my sleep scedual is gonna be in summer?!). Sooooo, I had this supper weird dream about this boy that I know named Troy. For a LOOOOONG time I thought I was in love with Troy. It ends up that there's just a lack of cute boys who are nice & like me at my middle school. (OHHHHH & I had an orientation for my high school~! It was magical, thank you for asking) Poor Troy :( He actually likes me, or so I have reasonable sussipicion to belive. OH MY GOD (Making steel 1/5 right now.) I'm planning on getting an honor's degree, meaning, that I have to take atleast 8 official honor's courses, & take a forgien language~! At first first sight of this, I thought Pshhhhhh I'll easily get this, I rock at Japanese!!! Then, I begin looking through the avaliable languages. All they have is Spanish, French, & Paiute. You could guess what I chose. French, right! Well, when I was in like 5th(?) grade, we read a book about early school life, & I got inspired to look in our (HUGE at the time) library ( Our librarians were'nt bitches, which at my current school, are & I spent most of my time there) & I found a rather large book on it. So, one of the things I rember, is that ladies mostly took finishing school, & I found that they learned currsive, Frentch, manors etc So, I was like pshhhh why not? Every female can stand to be more lady-like. So, that's how I picked French. So, back to Troy. Well I had this nightmare about him. Er, not sure if I would call it a nightmare, but judge it after you hear it:I was in this room with a lot of computers & a cheap wooden floor. I was kneeling next to Troy. Here's the dialouge that followed:Bailey(B):"You play WLO?!" Troy(T)"Yup"B:Woooow you're sutch a high level!!(T) Yeah, I've been playing for a while. B:Oh, you should add me"T:"Okay. So then I walked away, got on myself, & got off, walked back & then kneeled & started talking to him again. B: Hey~ T: Hey sweetie. At this point I was blushing eally hard. He asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend & I was Like Yes!!( I don't rember his exact words, but I managet to squeeze a "Honey" Our before saying goodbye)& then I woke up, it WAS Saturday, & here's what went through my mind: OMG~!!! My alarm clock didn't go off!!!! S**t NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! Damn you AT&T!!!!!Oh well, I'm going back to sleep. So, I fell back aslep & my dream contimued somehow: I was at this really ugly appartment, at the time was owned by Leigha & her family. & I was sitting on the coutch, chillin' with Leigha, when all of a sudden, this bar goes on the t.v. It looked like the applause meeter on Guitar Hero kinda. & it was bright green & Said "Good". Orange, " Okay". Yellow"Bad". Red :Critical, Going to meltdown.".(Steel 2/5 finish)& then you know when it's SUPPER HOT & you can see the heat waves raising from pavement & stuff?? Then That was every where & I was like OMG Where's Troy?! I I had to ask this girraffe looking guy. He said "Troy's in toe boiler room. He's got Yatzhee!!!" & I ran to the boiler room (I call it the boiler room, but it was the thing that was going on meltdown) So I was like Troy!!!!!!!!! & He was holding a hand of cards, smieling at me, playing yatzhee with some guy & I ran up to him, hugged him, grabbed him by the hand & an the hell out of there! So, i was sitting at Leigha's old appartment's huge table, & i was like did you try to kill yourself?! & He was like Yeah. From that point, I don't rember much, except being on this pirate-type ship, going nside the ship it's self & seeing Troy's bleeding arms. It looked like he had slit his arms all the way up his arms. I was crying & I kissed him & Said, " Don't ever do that again." I think the meltdown part, is fear from the reactors in Japan. I also have been having Zombie nightmares. I just was looking up the latest news about this & I almost fainted when I sawThis. (Steel start 3/5) Ah, my stomach is still having cramps from this. & when I awoke, I layed there for a coupple of momments trying to collect my thoughts, the first of them was, If he wanted to be with me, spend his life with me, then why did he keep trying to end it, cut our time short?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 35th Post~! March 23rd 2011

Hallo world~! Today was an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!! X3 I stayed home, I was up till 11 last night babysitting~ BUT Tomorrow is my high school orientation~! & I am so excited~! I'm taking Leigha with me & we're going home together~! AHHHH It's been so long since I've made an entry here~! Well I got the money so I can go to 6flags on Memmorial day weekend with the chior, band, & strings~! It was $65 total~! That was a lot of money~! But I get to go with people that enjoy music also. Ahhhhhhh today was a good day. Dad didn't get mad at me for staying home, I think he knows that I just needed a day off. Well, the charges on my phone bill showed up again~ Most of them from early Feburay, though I didn't charge any in February. Weird...But my math teacher is going to Afghanistan(Tried my best to spell that one.) Tomorow is going to be intresting. OH & I got a new email~! It sounds quite pretty~ It's called MusicAndRose I love it X3 It was inspired by my FB profile picture. Well, I have to continue reading this book, it's due tomorrow, Leigha lent it to me~ It's called Timeless & I highly reccomend it.I'm on page 232 out of 2 days with this book I LOVE IT SO MUCH & Leigha's getting the second book :D  Well night OH OH OH CHIOR FESTIVAL ON FRIDAY~!!!!